Therapy Offerings

Individual Therapy

During your online sessions we will work to identify thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are keeping you from living the life you desire. I offer a safe space to work through difficult emotions and reflect on impactful experiences. Clients would describe my approach to therapy as empowering, insightful, and down-to-earth.

Couples Therapy

During your online sessions with your partner we will explore what you feel is keeping you stuck as a couple, examine communication patterns, and work to rebuild the bridge of connection in your relationship. In sessions you and your partner can expect to examine and clarify needs and expectations, learn more about each other, and create a new vision for your relationship.

Questions we might explore in your session…


What feelings dominate your day-to-day life?

Are you overwhelmed by feelings of worthlessness, inadequacy, or fear of failure? Do you feel uncertain about the direction your life is going?

Are you showing up as your best self?

Do you sometimes react in ways you regret later? Are you showing up to experiences as a less confident version of yourself?

How did you get here?

What experiences contributed to the way you show up in the world today? Are there experiences you need to process before you can access the best version of you? What have people and experiences taught you about yourself thus far?

Where do you want to be?

What does the best version of you look like? What values does this version of you hold? How do they spend their time and energy?


What role do you play in your current interaction pattern?

Are you and your partner frustrated by frequent arguments? How do you and your partner approach conflict? How has conflict changed your relationship?

Are you showing up as your best self in your relationship?

Do you sometimes react in ways you regret later? Do you struggle to regulate your emotions when discussing activating topics?

How did you get here?

What was your relationship like when you first connected? What factors contributed to the current state of your relationship? What have people and experiences taught you about relationships?

What is your vision for your relationship?

What does the best version of your partnership look like? What are you willing to do to contribute to the improvement of your relationship?